Monday 10 January 2011

Drug trafficking: Spain's Justice to define judicial situation of three Argentines detained -

17:00 |

Drug trafficking: Spain's Justice to define judicial situation of three Argentines detained - "Spanish Judge will unveil within the next hours the judicial situation of the three sons of former brigadiers of the Argentine Air Force detained with 944 kilos of cocaine at Barcelona’s El Prat airport five days ago.
Gustavo and Eduardo Juliá, children of the ex-Head of the Air Force during Carlos Menem’s administration, were detained in Barcelona for drug trafficking. The co-pilot, Gastón Miret, son of ex-Planning Secretary during dictatorship years José Miret, was also detained alongside another Argentine whose name was not disclosed.
Gustavo Juliá worked as economic and finance manager for PAMI during ex President Eduardo Duhalde administration.
Meanwhile, the situation of the three Argentines will be defined by the head of the El Prat de Llobregat court who will unveil within the next hours if they will remain in prison or not.
The plane, a Challenge04 jet, arrived in Barcelona on January 2 from Cape Verde, Africa. The investigation states that the accused might have gotten the cocaine from the African country.
Members of the Spanish Civil Guard were waiting for the plane and once it landed, they detained the suspects."

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