Thursday, March 13, 2025

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Jason Richards along with his accomplices Jonathon Reed, 31, Ryan Sweeny, 27, from Milton Road, Wellingborough and Andrew Martin, 31,pleaded guilty

22:13 |

Jason Richards ,St Ives Road, Wyken on August 13 last year and arrested the 37-year-old.The raid was one of ten co-ordinated police strikes to take place across the UK.Other raids took place in Northamptonshire, Southampton, London and Buckinghamshire and three further arrests were made.They came as the result of a ten-week long police investigation into the supply of cannabis by the criminal gang. Officers recovered cannabis with an estimated street value of £1million from and £100,000 in cash during the raids on the gang members homes.Coventry man Richards, along with his accomplices – Jonathon Reed, 31, who played his part in the gang while serving a sentence at an open prison, Ryan Sweeny, 27, from Milton Road, Wellingborough and Andrew Martin, 31, of Bridle Road, Burton – pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply cannabis and concealment of criminal property.Reed and Richards also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply a class C drug – testosterone –at Huntington Crown Court.Yesterday the gang appeared at the same court to be sentenced.Reed was ordered to serve six years in prison and Sweeney and Martin were handed four-and-a-half year sentences each.The judge told them their guilty pleas would see their sentences reduced by a third.Coventry man Richards will be sentenced at a later date.Speaking after the court hearing, Detective Inspector Steve O’Farrell, senior investigating officer from Thames Valley Police, said: “These men were involved in a highly organised operation to supply cannabis.“The fact they have received custodial sentences reinforces the message that Thames Valley Police are disrupting organised criminal gangs and sending them to prison.”

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