Monday, March 17, 2025

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Sentenced Terrence A. Parker to 10 years in prison

17:06 |

Sentenced Terrence A. Parker to 10 years in prison Friday then suspended half of that and ordered the 30-year-old to serve five years on supervised probation upon his release from prison.The first-time felon also must pay a $50,000 fine and court costs or go back to prison and serve the additional five years.Parker had more than 28 grams of cocaine in his possession when a state trooper stopped him while the Hattiesburg resident was traveling from Texas to Mississippi. Webster District Attorney Schuyler Marvin, in a news release, commends the trooper for searching the vehicle and finding the cocaine.During his presentence investigation, Parker indicated he was trying to make some money for his family.
"Committing crimes is not a way to take care of your family," said Webster Chief Assistant District Attorney Sherb Sentell, who prosecuted the case. "Now Parker will spend at least five years away from his family serving a hard-labor sentence. And he must pay a $50,000 fine when he is released."

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    Douglas A. Willinger said...

    What a waste.

    The victim deserves full restitution and the criminals (judge, prosecutors, police) should serve the prison sentence.

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