Friday 14 November 2008

Gregorio A. Messina was arrested along with eight others during an investigation of a major drug trafficking ring

10:47 |

Gregorio A. Messina, 43, pleaded guilty more than a year ago to cocaine possession with intent to distribute and criminal conspiracy. He was sentenced to five years probation on each of the crimes and fined $5,000, according to court papers.
Messina was arrested along with eight others during an investigation of a major drug trafficking ring, the Cirilo “Primo” Lumbrano Corrupt Organization.After wiretapping cell phones, and aided by Spanish-language interpreters, authorities learned the organizational structure of the drug ring and the roles of its various members, and cracked the group.Police also conducted physical surveillance. Most of the suspects were Mexican nationals in the country illegally.Law enforcement authorities followed Lumbrano, who is now 31, to Atlanta, Ga., where he allegedly met with a cocaine supplier, then followed him as he drove back to the local area. He was stopped in Plymouth Township on March 4, 2007.While searching Lumbrano’s car, authorities found a one-kilogram block of cocaine, having a retail value in excess of $100,000, inside the vehicle’s spare tire.Authorities surmised the hiding place after discovering several slashed tires in the closets of residences occupied by some of the drug ring members.Among the items seized as a result of the execution of search warrants for nine locations and five vehicles were: another half-kilogram of cocaine; scales; cocaine packaging materials; a .22-caliber rifle; two shotguns; three handguns; ammunition; a riot helmet; and some $5,000 in cash.Also confiscated were two Nissan Maximas, a Chevrolet Suburban and a Nissan Titan.The breakup of the ring began after police received information in January 2007 from confidential informants about a local cocaine supplier nicknamed “Primo,” according to the criminal complaint.
Though authorities were targeting Lumbrano, Messina was caught with cocaine bought from the gang to give to someone else, according to Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney Tonya Lupinacci, who prosecuted the case.“He bought an ounce of cocaine,” she said. “It’s a significant amount of (the drug).”
Messina, who is a United States citizen, owns a landscaping business in North Wales. He was the last of nine defendants to be sentenced, according to Lupinacci.Lumbrano, a former resident of the 1300 block of Markley Street, pleaded guilty in March to six felony charges of possessing cocaine with the intent to deliver and a seventh felony charge of conspiracy. The admitted ringleader of the drug operation, he was sentenced in June to eight to 20 years in state prison.In August, Lumbrano complained his sentence was too harsh and asked to have the sentence reduced and wanted to withdraw his guilty plea.Also last summer, Luis Omar Bauza, 22, a West Airy Street resident in Norristown, was sentenced to 11 1/2 to 23 months behind bars.
Another Norristown man, Israel Valente-Trujillo, 28, who lives on Cherry Street, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to time served to 23 months in the county prison.
Other drug ring defendants received probationary sentences

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