Monday, March 17, 2025

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Anthony John Richard Lyons admitted importing drugs and possessing drugs with intent to supply at a Court of General Gaol

10:24 |

Anthony John Richard Lyons, 20, of Spring Valley Road, admitted importing drugs and possessing drugs with intent to supply at a Court of General Gaol Delivery on Friday. Rachael Braidwood, prosecuting, said the defendant returned from Liverpool by SeaCat at 9.45pm on April 30 having left the Island in the morning. He went to a house in Farmhill, before travelling by car to a campsite at Greeba, where he was arrested by police. Lyons told officers he was carrying drugs internally and was taken to hospital. A package containing 27.4 grammes of heroin, with a street value of £2,740, was recovered. Lyons told police he agreed to get the drugs because he had debts. He said he was asked by a man if he wanted to make a bit of money by going to Liverpool and bringing back some drugs. He said he met a man in Liverpool was given a small package for £600. Lyons said he was due to be paid £150 to £200 to meet his debts. Advocate Ian Kermode said the defendant collected the package with the intention of passing the drugs to a third party. The transaction did not take place so he did not benefit financially. Mr Kermode said Lyons believed he was nothing more than a drugs mule. Lyons had been very candid and honest with police and took full responsibility for his actions, which were reckless.
His rehabilitation had already begun, said Mr Kermode. Deemster Doyle told the defendant: 'You will have a second chance on your release from prison do not waste it. 'Stay away from drugs and prison. Defendants need to be aware that if they admit their guilt immediately they will get maximum credit, those who plead not guilty and are convicted will not.'

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