Monday 24 March 2008

Richard John Ichihara has prior convictions for felony drug trafficking offenses

09:57 |

According to government prosecutors,Richard John Ichihara has three prior convictions for felony drug trafficking offenses that constitute a "prior felony drug offense." This can enhance punishment to a term of imprisonment not less than 20 years and up to life imprisonment in the event that the defendant is convicted of the offense of possession of more than 50 grams of methamphetamine.Ichihara was earlier convicted in the Superior Court of Guam on January 27, 2000 for two counts of importation of a controlled substance and one count of possession of a restricted substance with intent to distribute.Considered by prosecutors as the local kingpin of the drug syndicate, Ichihara pleaded not guilty to the superseding indictment filed against him and his three confederates --- Jackie Yong Lee, Kum Soon Yoo, and Won Yiel Lee.Lee and Yoo also pleaded not guilty to the charges of possession, distribution of illegal drugs, and money laundering. Yiel Lee remains at large.
During their arraignment last Friday, Yoo and Lee were both released and ordered to turn over their passports to the authorities while Ichihara was remanded to the custody of the US Marshals Service.Their trial is set for May 13.
Ichihara allegedly distributed the drugs coming from off-island to local residents for distribution on Guam. From January 2004 up to the date of indictment, Ichihara allegedly distributed more than 3,000 grams of methamphetamine hydrochloride and more than 30,000 grams of a mixture of substances containing detectable amounts of methamphetamine.Ichihara also allegedly imported approximately 18 grams of "ice" on December 3, 2007 and distributed approximately 24 grams of "ice" on Dec. 22, 2005.
On Feb. 3, 2008 he was arrested while in possession of approximately 23.35 grams of "ice."

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