Wednesday 17 December 2008

Jamie Tindall’s mobile phone was examined after he was arrested in a raid on a house on Brinewells Green, Middlesbrough

14:14 |

Jamie Tindall’s mobile phone was examined after he was arrested in a raid on a house on Brinewells Green, Middlesbrough on March 28 last year.Officers found text messages indicating dealing in cocaine, Ecstasy and cannabis, prosecutor Christopher Attwooll told Teesside Crown Court. One said: “You fancy bringing up some sniff?”
In the messages, Tindall was asked: “Do you sell drugs?” He replied: “Oh yes.” He was told: “Bit daft when you get caught.” To which he responded: “Chance you take.”
Tindall, 20, also texted: “I am in my prime making money.”A bag of 15 cocaine rocks, worth about £320, was discarded during the police search, the court heard. Months later Tindall was caught with a cocaine wrap. He was bailed, absconded and arrested again, this time in possession of cannabis.Tindall, of Hartington Road, Stockton, admitted being concerned in making offers to supply the Class A and C drugs, possession charges and failing to attend court. He had no previous drugs crimes.Christopher Dunn, defending, said Tindall was very intelligent and could have done much with his life. But he was “thwarted” by a significant stammer, for which he was bullied at school and attacked in custody. Drug use “numbed the pain of blocked opportunity” and led him into the drug culture, he said.Tindall supplied skunk cannabis to friends, was asked to supply Ecstasy, used cocaine and supplied friends from his “personal stock”. Mr Dunn said: “His motivation was not a commercial one.”
Regarding the texts, he added: “He’s trying to big himself up. It’s quite clear this man has got nothing. He was living in a caravan in somebody’s drive.”Judge Peter Fox QC, the Recorder of Middlesbrough told Tindall: “I must take at face value what was described on your mobile telephone. Were you an older man I would be giving you four or five years.”Given Tindall’s youth, the judge locked him up for three-and-a-half years.

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